Lion Brand Celebrates Thanksgiving with a Potluck Lunch

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Lion Brand Celebrates Thanksgiving with a Potluck Lunch

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As you celebrate Thanksgiving with your families, I’d like to share with you the Thanksgiving feast we enjoyed with the Lion Brand family. This year was the most delicious food ever since we each bring a dish and try to outdo our previous years’ offering. It’s all organized by Mike, our official Director of Fun with help from others.

Table of food
Some of the tables of food

There were six folding tables filled with hearty foods and an entire room dedicated to tables of desserts.  We had traditional American foods as well as Mexican, Italian, Middle Eastern and even vegetarian options.  We’re a diverse group and it was fun to sample everyone’s specialty dish.

David Blumenthal, the President and CEO gave a brief talk that we’ll share with you here:

Here’s a photo of Dean Blumenthal, and his son, Evan, part of the fourth and fifth generations of the family that owns and operates the company.

Dean Blumenthal with his son, Evan Evan and his dad, Dean, at the Lion Brand feast show

Evan and his dad, Dean, at the Lion Brand feast                  Our group chows down!

In the video above, you heard David speak about being grateful for the people who protect us and for living in the greatest country in the world.  I’m grateful for many things, including having the opportunity to work at a company that is doing good for people and is a wonderful place to work.  It’s been a difficult year for many people in our country and around the world, but being able to appreciate what’s good is a life affirming practice.  What is it that you are grateful for this year?

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Lion Brand!

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  • looks like a happy thanksgiving

  • I’m thankful for many blessings in my life. I won’t jinx them by naming the most important ones, but I will say that I am also very thankful for a soon to be born 2nd cousin and the chance to knit her some warm and lovely baby things.

  • Thanks for your comment, Grace, Always nice to hear from you.

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