Lion Brand Visits the Westchester Knitting Guild

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Lion Brand Visits the Westchester Knitting Guild

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This is a guest post from Rose, in our Sales department:

On Monday night, April 27, Jack and I attended the Westchester Knitting Guild meeting at the Chappaqua Library in Chappaqua, NY. We met with Olive McNeil and the Westchester Knitting Guild members, who are a group of highly skilled knitters and crocheters. The women meet monthly, bring their current projects, and have show-and-tell. The Guild also discusses upcoming events, and the members help each other with their projects. Many of the projects the women were working on were colorful projects with very detailed stitches.

At the meeting, Jack spoke about Lion Brand’s history, yarns, and the Lion Brand Yarn Studio. The guild members were excited to learn about the history and yarn. Most of all they were thrilled about the Studio and the great service we provide to our customers. Some mentioned having visited the store and complimented us on how nice the space was and the great service they received.

Guild members then viewed a Lion Brand video describing various recent accomplishments, products, and online services. During Jack’s presentation, he shared an assortment of Lion Brand yarn such as Recycled Cotton, Vanna’s Choice, Vanna’s Choice Baby, Fishermen’s Wool, Vanna’s Glamour, and the LB Collection. Jack passed the yarn around so that the guild members could see and feel the different textures of the yarn. All the yarns were well received, especially a new wool that will be announced later this year (look out an announcement soon!) and the LB Collection of affordable, luxury fibers. Toward the end of our meeting, Olive presented Jack with an honorary membership to the Westchester Knitting Guild.

Overall, the evening went well and guild members expressed to us that they are looking forward to Jack’s next visit. Members are eager to take a trip to Lion Brand Yarn Studio and experience the sampling wall, see our current window display, and attend some of our special events.

Have a group of 50 or more in the tri-state area? E-mail to arrange for Jack to come speak to your guild or yarncrafting group!

For more on your local guild, visit the Knitting Guild Association’s website or the Crochet Guild of America’s website.

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  • […] Lion Brand Visits the Westchester Knitting Guild […]

  • I can’t wait to find out about the new wool.

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