Shuts Down For Earth Hour!

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earthGet involved in the Earth Hour movement! Turn off your lights for one hour on Saturday, March 27th, from 8:30 to 9:30 pm local time.  Click here to say you’ll be a part of this effort and join hundreds of millions of people around the world who have pledged to save energy.  The savings of just one hour shows how our individual efforts become powerful and significant when we all work together.

Last year lights were turned off on the Empire State Building, all New York Broadway theater marquees, the Las Vegas Strip, the Golden Gate Bridge, St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, London’s Big Ben, and other important landmarks around the world.

For us at Lion Brand, there is even more of a point to be made.  Knitting and crocheting are relaxing activities that do not require technology.  We have a way to spend our time in a valuable and creative way when we step back from our computers, televisions and phones.  Use a candle and enjoy a taste of days gone by this Saturday night while being a part of an important movement.

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  • I would love to know what impact this has in some places! Like Las Vegas-with the strip blacked out, it must register on the utility companies!
    My family did this last year and we will do it again this year.

  • Thanks for the reminder. We’ve done this before and it’s a good family time – although a little shocking for the kids. They survive as long as we spend time together playing board games :-} Maybe they’ll let me crochet while they play this year.

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    This post was mentioned on Twitter by crystaljourneys: RT @Lionbrandyarn: Lion Brand shuts down its website in honor of Earth Hour. Sign up to become part of the event.

  • I’m kind of annoyed that Lion Brand is taking sides in a very divisive political issue. I work in politics, and I see knitting as my escape from that world. Knitting, crocheting and crafting are above politics – it doesn’t matter whether you believe global warming is a real threat or not — we can set that all aside and agree that we like to craft. I also teach knitting at a local big-box store that carries a lot of Lion Brand products. Do we talk about politics in my knitting classes? Heck no – I don’t want to turn anyone off from the craft. Lion Brand – even if this post is well-intentioned, you turned off a major section of your customer base. Bad move …

  • Cindy

    No where does it say in the above reminder for Earth Hour that it is a political issue. It is a reminder to turn off unnecessary lights, to reduce the power usage of each individual and together, we can make a huge difference to the environment. I, for one, am certainly not turned off by this message. It is not political unless you choose to make in one. I will be turning off my lights again this year, and will remind my teens about why we’re in the dark!

  • Lion Brand’s Facebook post, which links to this page, clearly mentions “climate change.”

    I just think it’s a divisive issue best left out of the yarn world. Particularly for a company that uses environmentally un-friendly methods of producing and processing yarns – much of which is acrylic (aka plastic, aka oil)

  • I also work in politics, and I am not turned off by this message. My family plans to turn our lights off on Saturday in support of this important environmental concern. Thank you, Lion Brand, for your support of this very critical issue!

  • I’m with Cindy, sorry, “earth-friendly” folk. Knitting is something I also do as a break from all the pressures of real life, be it politics,environmental issue or raising my family.

    It does ire me to see major companies exploit this feel-goody topic with their customers when in truth, the science for this divise issue is just not conclusive, no matter what Al Gore says. I know my response will not be very popular, but we all need to stop letting others tell us how to think, and coming to conclusions on our own.

    Happy crafting, all, but let’s keep the politics out of it.

  • If Cindy and Julie want politics left out of our craft, hen all they need to is continue to burn as many light as they possibly can tomorrow night, while keeping their opinions to themselves and let others do as they think best for their families and the planet.

    If others differ in their opinions, must they all keep quiet while only the other side is permitted to voice a position? Surely, this is still America and differences can be tolerated.

  • I will join in. I have only heard of this just this year and I was already planning a family blackout. We used to do this when I was a kid. We would turn all the lights out pretending that a lightning storm struck and bring out the oil lamps and just play board games. It was great! I would like to encourage this sort of family activity as many hours as possible, not just one night for an hour but for many more hours all year long…Much Love To All…Wendy Pizzi

  • Again, what Cindy said…..really dissapointing to see this hair raising issue creep into our craft (despite if you are favorable or unfavorable to the topic). Just when you want to have a nice peaceful knit(or crochet)…..Ug.

  • It’s not political, it’s scientific, question the science, not politics. There are those on the right that do believe in climate change, and there are those on the left that don’t. I did not see anywhere that Lion Brand Yarn is endorsing a particular political party.

    Whether or not climate change is real, there is no doubt that the mojority of our energy comes from coal fired power plants which are a source of mercury pollution. If you don’t want to support climate change you can say you support mercury reduction and have fun doing something technology free.

    I also agree Lion Brand Yarn uses a lot of non-eco friendly production methods and materials but if only those who are perfect ever get to take action, nothing will ever get done. At least they’re doing something.

    There, I’m climbing off my soapbox now, happy crafting all!

  • Take us back to a simpler time when we did do our needlework by candlelight and spend time with our families, doesn’t sound all that bad to me.

  • I think that the idea of turning off the power and interacting with your family is a great idea. Spending time crafting and relaxing is a wonderful idea no matter why you do it. My kids always loved “candle time” with story telling and that was 20 years ago. When you’re sitting in candle light and there are no outside distractions, family members seem to open up and share thoughts and feelings more easily. I’m all for simpler times.

  • Ya,to save our mother earth we all should contribute together and what a nice way to putting off the lights for an hour is not a big thing,we will surely do that,this is what we missed out last year.Thanks for reminding :-))

  • The website is “turning off it’s lights” for an hour? Give me a break! Because of this ridiculous support of global-warming-oops-now-we’re-calling-it-climate-change I am opting our of receiving future emails AND I will no longer buy Lion Brand Yarn.

  • My family will be joining on turning the lights off. If you don’t like it because of politics or whatever, think of it as saving a bit on your electric bill. Who objects to that?

  • I think it’s great that a company takes an interest in more than just it’s own business. We all need to be aware of things going on in the world, and do what we can to help. Kudos, Lion Brand!

  • What a nice and thoughtful thing to do for our environment and our earth. I can not believe anyone thinks this is a political issue. How silly can some people be. That is simply ridiculous. I sure would not stop buying Lion Brand Yarn and getting free beautiful patterns through emails because of this.Why does something wonderful always have to have a negative turn to it. I know this is why we have so many problems today is because of such negativity. To set with our family in a candle lit room or set out on the porch in the evening telling our children stories is so rewarding. My word what is more special then this.This reminds me of days gone by when life was simple and free from all the hassles of today. I just cant’ understand why politics have to be brought up here. Wow! Unbelievable!Off go my lights . Thank you for letting us know about this Lion Brand Yarn.

  • It is ok to celebrate the earth hour and to save energy, but not all at once. Do not give the bad elements the chance to do what they do – given the window of opportunity – with everyone in darkness.

    Just being practical. We have reduced our energy usage and are very much concerned with the environment. So we’ll celebrate the earth hour safely.

  • Since when is being in tune with the earth and its people a “political” issue? That’s like saying kindness, and goodness, and awareness are “political”. Good heavens! I am a complete knitting junkie, but if it helps people quit being so selfish, I can certainly forgo immediate gratification for 1 hour. Get your cellphones out of your faces, unplug for awhile- go outside for an hour and “let it be!”

  • Thank you for letting us know about this. How very appropriate to connect yarncrafting with the simpler times from which it came and at the same time do something positive for the environment and our household budget and even removing outside distractions so we can enjoy some quality time with our family members. It all fits. Thanks for getting the word out!

  • IS there a store named Loin Brand, in Rockville, MD? I want to take class, make scarfs, hats, and sweaters. Please e-mail me at

    Thank You,
    Maysa Sinnokrot

    Zontee says: Hi Maysa, at this time, the only retail store we have is in New York City. To find a local store near you that carries our products, please use our Store Locator.

  • Kudos to you, Lion. Politics vs. Green aside, can’t we particpate to save electricity? Because it’s a fun challenge for one dark hour? Because it makes us feel more connected? Because it just feels good? Thanks so much for the reminder! I would have missed it this year.

  • I don’t have something “clever” in my mind now to be said, but i have the feeling that, turning off my lights tonight, I will save an hour of life for my son, for my grand children…

  • I love to knit, and I believe in conserving our resources on Planet Earth, our home. Lion Brand Yarn is simply doing a good thing and is above politics. Those who make “everything” a political issue ought to do some meditating. Knitting is the quintessential way to get back to the “way it used to be”.I’ll be happy to knit with candle light.

  • I love the idea of turning out the lights tonite.
    Quite frankly I am shocked that folks are calling this polical….I think we need to be good stewards of our planet. It is our responsibilty to care for it and not be WASTEFUL with our resources. I applaud Lion Brand Yarn for having the courage to speak up and to act. Because of this you have my support of your company and I will be sharing your responisible attitude to my fellow crafters, who are very much into the green movement and caring for our beautiful planet.Thank you!

  • I’m baffled by the harsh words being said here. I’ve always felt a special connection to other yarn crafters and yet now I see that that feeling was wrongly placed. Aren’t yarn crafts about simpler times? I commend Lion Brand. Perhaps turning out our lights won’t change anything, but why not try? Lion Brand is only making a suggestion, they aren’t telling us that we HAVE to participate. Perhaps it’s my hippie ways, but I love this idea! Peace and Love to all.

  • Arina says what I was intending to post. Maybe we old Hippies and beats are still relevant.

  • I cant believe you havent included our great country CANADA in this earth day celebration. This is just as big an event here for us as in any other country what a wonderful event for the children and their future. We are a country people look at your atlas good heavens !!! I will be sitting by candle light thinking about how really fortunate we are .

  • I would do this but it’s just another unbelivable
    “perfect world idea”.We do our part by turning off lights as we leave the room,switch to energy
    saving light bulbs,etc.Can you imagine the bad things that could happen if we all did this at the SAME TIME? A good but a not well thought out idea.

  • It is fine that you want to save energy, but even if everyone in the world turned off for that hour it wouldn’t make any difference, because there is no such thing as global warming. People can’t control what happens on the globe whether good or bad. Sad to see such a lie sent to people all over the world from our government.

  • Great idea: Not only energy conserving but also good for relaxing and enjoying some candlelight time. I do practice environmental energy conservation on a daily basis (Energy Smart Light Bulbs, thermal curtains/liners, recyling food/waste). But, I will shut off all of 1 light on at this time.

  • Glad you reminded me! I’ve been so busy lately, I would have missed this! Thanks for staying current with what’s real in this world and don’t let a couple of naysayers ruin your policy. It’s good for the soul, for the environment and for your electric bill! 🙂 (not to mention family time)


    Ivy, PutCo,NY

  • Hola: Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con apagar la electricidad yo lo hice el año pasado y lo voy a
    volver hacer. Debemos respetar y amar nuestro planeta y si recien tomamos conciencia pues no
    cometamos los mismos errores del pasado, y pensemos
    en el futuro de los hijos de nuestros hijos,porque
    si seguimos asi los pobrecitos ni planeta tendran.
    Besitos y muy Feliz Pascua.

  • To all you Lion Brand knitters and crocheters and crafters: This, in my opinion, is a great way to feel a part of something which can involve friends and family for just a single hour. I’ll be sitting in the quiet for an hour with good thoughts about folks around the world. Let’s see how much we can show kindness and think good thoughts about other people on the planet whether they agree with this or not…. Happy knitting! Bea, Manchester, CT

  • My family and I happy to join this effort!

  • Crafters come from all walks of life and all sorts of political views and we all share the love of creating things and share this earth. I do respect others opinions, but reserve my right to express my opinion and disagree with yours. I thank Lion Brand for encouraging conservation. My crafting includes politics,love , hate and anyhing else in my life as it is an integral part of me.

  • Linda was the first one to post… and I was thinking somewhat along the same line, wondering what impact this had on cities that participated last year. Our son lives in the midwest and he filled me in….crime rate went up. This year, looters will again have an excellent opportunity to do their thing. Our son also added that his particular city is cutting back on their police force due to the financial situation there. What a combination!!! Lights out for an hour, and FEWER cops??? Duh???? No thanks….we’re keeping our lights ON.

  • We’re turning off our lights tonight. If you don’t believe in global warming, just ask the polar bears.

  • We turned off our lights. We survived 1 measly hour of being “unconnected” and suffered through the darkness… much like our ancestors did in a time long, long ago, before politics and generalized ignorance.

  • You guys are out of your minds. The only people bringing politics into this are the people objecting to this. Turn your lights on, turn your lights off. Do what you want to do, just don’t be strident and smug about your decision.

  • WOW Meredith…your comment has stopped me from continuing reading any of this utterly ridiculous disgust over something so simple.
    Because of the landfill issue I try to use reusable bags at the store when I can. I don’t always remember but I figure every small bit counts. Does that make me an ignorant person? Does it affect my ability and interest in crafting either way? WHO CARES
    And what does this one notification have to do with your fulfillment to crafting. I’m sure Lion Brand is just weeping over your discontinued service.
    When I worked retail at a craft store I ran into quite a few resentful old women just like some of you. Obviously it doesn’t make us all a better person.

  • transtate this page.
    Es muy triste que la gente negativa contamine mas el planeta, todo lo que podamamos hacer hoy por mejorar el medio ambiente se vera reflejado en el futuro; ahora los viejos, adultos, jovenes y sobre todo los niños que son los que van a continuar despues de nosotros, no busquemos culpables, mejor encontremos soluciones y si con apagar la luz un minuto o una hora puedo cooperar lo voy hacer con gusto. NO HAGAMOS CASO DE LAS PERSONAS NEGATIVAS, NOSOTROS SOMOS LO QUE PENSAMOS Y ESO ATRAEMOS DEL UNIVERSO GRACIA LION BRAND YOLANDA

  • Yay Lion Brand, for supporting Earth Hour. I have not purchased LB yarn in the past, but I certainly will in the future. I love progressive companies!

  • I think everyone has gone off the deep end. Get back to crocheting and let it go! 🙂

  • I think this is a really good idea, and I would have participated if I had gotten to check my email before it had come and gone, and I think I will do this kind of a thing possibly every month!

  • Unfortunately your email arrived too late for me and friends to participate. Will look out for the event next year.

  • Thanks for another wonderful Earth Hour and thanks for your support, Lion Brand! It was great working on my knitting and crochet by candlelight.

    It’s too bad that the Beck and Limbaugh disciples show up everywhere nowadays and try to stir up trouble. But that’s America today, like it or not.

    I love Lion Brand wool and I really enjoy your extensive free pattern library. Keep up the good work!

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