Meeting a Justice in the Air

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Meeting a Justice in the Air

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When you travel as much as I do, you have the opportunity to run into inspiring and/or interesting people. On a recent flight, I had the pleasure of sitting across from Associate Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.


Naturally, I asked her the same question I ask nearly everyone I meet. I asked her if she knits or crochets. I have to admit I was a little bit disappointed to hear that she did not. That did not stop me from encouraging her to pick up the hobby, of course. As you all know, these crafts are a major stress reliever. What could be more stressful than making decisions that frame a nation? I suggested she bring her yarn up the bench with her! She said she would consider lessons at our flagship store in Manhattan.

Once I got the most important topic out of the way, I was able to ask her about politics. Before you cringe and stop reading, please be aware that she gave nothing away. When asked about our new President she gave a very political and neutral, “let’s wait and see” answer. We then discussed how she spoke at my son’s school, University of Delaware, based on former Vice President Joe Biden’s suggestion (it is his alma mater as well).

Had this meeting occurred a few months ago, I don’t know that Justice Sotomayor would have had any business questions for me. As it was she did have one yarn related question: “How have your pink yarn sales been lately?” It was lovely chatting with Justice Sotomayor and I look forward to hosting her for some knitting or crocheting lessons.

Have you ever run into someone famous in your travels? Did they meet your expectations of them? Let us know in the comments section below!

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  • Oh my goodness…I love you Jack! …I too often ask,”so…do you knit or crochet?”…I’d be sitting next to you working on something I am certain,

  • I’m not sure I would have recognized her….nice you knew about the U Delaware connection. Hilarious that she asked you about “pink yarn sales..” Hope you said they were waaaay up!

  • Yes, I recognized Tony Bennett getting on a plane. Of course, he stopped in first class and I went on to coach. He looked very dapper in suit and tie, but he is not very tall….maybe 5ft5inches at best.

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