My Life In Yarn: Jennifer Sherman

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Lion Brand Yarn

My Life In Yarn: Jennifer Sherman

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Jennifer Sherman from Olalla, WA

Sunflower Girl Creations Homespun

What is your favorite Lion Brand yarn?


What brought you to yarn (knitting/crochet)?

I believe both of my grandmothers knitted. My grandma Murphy
tried to teach me to knit when I was a teen, but I didn’t take to it.

Do you remember who taught you how to knit/crochet? Tell us a bit about how you learned.

When I was in college, a friend was crocheting. She told me that
all I needed was a hook, some yarn, and an instructional book. I
went to the local Walmart and bought a book with several patterns. I
think that I probably started with a couple of dishcloth patterns. Then
I progressed to a chicken candy dish. Finally, I saved enough to buy
enough yarn for a blanket. The yarn was a black multicolored yarn. I
made a loopy lapghan. I still have it twenty years later.

What is your favorite thing to make?

Lion Brand’s Sunset Poncho has become a favorite pattern of
mine. I love the vibrant colors of Landscape yarn.

Do you have a favorite stitch/pattern?

Chevrons are my current favorite motif. I like to work them with
cake yarn and watch the various colors that work up into stitches.

What’s the first project you finished?

I believe my first project was a dishcloth.

Why are you a fan of LBY products?

The lion emblem on Lion Brand’s yarn intrigued me. I looked
into the company and was proud it was American and Jewish. I am
a Christian and have studied the Bible. The history of Israel and the
Jewish nation is precious to me. I am glad to support this company
because of it’s heritage.

Any other stories/experiences with yarn you’d like to share?

When I was pregnant with my first born, I was so excited to
crochet baby items. Sadly, I developed pregnancy carpal tunnel. I
couldn’t crochet a thing. I was worried it wouldn’t go away.
Fortunately it did. Since then, I have faithfully done finger exercises
to relieve soreness and hopefully never have carpal tunnel again.
I’m happy to report that during my second pregnancy, I didn’t
develop carpal tunnel and I was able to crochet several items, a
dress, pants, and diaper covers with ruffles.

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