New Beginnings: The Raglan Sleeve Pullover

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New Beginnings: The Raglan Sleeve Pullover

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This story is from our newsletter called Pattern Journal which brings a warm-hearted, wholesome story to your inbox to read every month. If you enjoy it and would like to subscribe, click here.

Hunter clasped Jill’s hand at the bus stop, talking excitedly—his teacher, Ms. Randall, said he could hold the flag for the Pledge; a turtle lived in the science corner; could he buy lunch when there was pizza?

As the bus arrived, he wrenched away before the doors opened—so no one would know he liked to be close to his mom—then melted into the rambunctious cargo of school-bound kids.

She’d thought she’d feel wistful when Hunter started first grade, but sitting in the quiet kitchen with a cup of coffee, Jill was surprisingly cheery. Six open hours lay ahead—a gift! Her plan, formed during the summer, was to progress in knitting—to grow beyond the scarves and caps that had given her confidence. She’d knit her first sweater in this new-found time.

The pattern, a classic raglan of wheat-colored Wool-Ease® Chunky, was precise and clear. As the fabric swiftly grew on her needles, Jill wondered why she’d been timid. Sweater knitting was absorbing and fun! Already she was thinking about making herself another, and one for Jack. The yarn came in such luscious colors…

One evening she modeled her achievement for husband and son. “Looks great on you!” Jack exclaimed. Hunter, busy with crayons and paper at the kitchen counter, agreed.

Later, they tucked Hunter into bed, and went downstairs to talk over the day. Jack picked up Hunter’s drawing. “Did you see this?”

Three stick figures represented the family holding hands. Hunter, the smallest, wore his favorite baseball cap and a red sweater, Jack, a brown sweater; Jill, the new wheat-colored raglan.

“There’s a message here,” said Jack.

“And a compliment,” Jill added.

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

A story by Selma Moss-Ward.

Selma Moss-Ward writes and knits in Rhode Island. You can find her work on our blog, as well as Lion Brand’s monthly newsletter, Pattern Journal, which you can subscribe to here.

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