When Did You Learn to Knit or Crochet?

We all learn to knit or crochet at different points in our lives. Some are taught as children, while others don’t pick it up until retirement. So, right now, we ask you: When did you learn to knit or crochet? A follow up to that is, if you know how to do both, which did you…

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Try this Stitch: Arrowhead Lace

Arrowhead lace is a beautiful stitch that looks intricate without being too complex or difficult. The four-row pattern repeats across 10 stitches, with one extra cast on for symmetry. A single repeat (11 stitches) makes a great headband, or can be incorporated into a larger piece, like a hat or sweater. Two or three repeats…

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Do You Knit?

Over the years I’ve spoken to thousands of knitters and crocheters at churches, libraries, golf clubs, and even Panera Bread. The number one question I have received is, “Do you knit?” My response is simply, “I’ve taken a lot of lessons.” And that is the truth. I have taken many lessons given by many different…

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