Knitted Toys: A Caterpillar Emerges

Writer and avid knitter Selma Moss-Ward joins us for a series of blog posts about becoming a first-time grandmother and knitting toys. Click here to read her previous blog posts. I enjoy knitting toys more than most other projects I undertake, because they’re easy and fun to make. There aren’t concerns with gauge or fit,…

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6 Mathematical Patterns for Pi Day!

As crafters we have a secret relationship with math — whether you realize it or not! You keep count of your rows, use numerical sequences to determine patterns, and you read a knit and/or crochet pattern code as good as any web designer reads html. In honor of Pi Day, the day we irrationally celebrate…

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Rag Doll

Writer, illustrator, and knitter Franklin Habit joins us for his monthly column featuring humor and insights into a yarncrafter’s life. Winter in Chicago takes no more notice of the first of March than a mean-eyed general takes of boundary lines. It tramples right along, both fists swinging. Winter here is a bully, unstoppable, and knows…

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