Get a Little Irrational: It’s Pi Day!

Okay, so maybe you haven’t heard of National Ear Muff Day, which just passed yesterday, but if you’ve been anywhere near a secondary school math classroom in the last decade–or have math nerd friends like I do–you’ve probably heard a thing or two about Pi Day. The Reader’s Digest Version? It’s March 14–3/14–and Pi, the…

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Keep Those Ears Warm on National Earmuff Day!

Every day is some kind of holiday, and I’m not talking about the big ones with leprechauns or bunnies. It turns out, today is National Earmuff Day, which obviously means I need to share some of my favorite ear-warming patterns with you. The good news is that all of these patterns are quick to knit…

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Unlock the Secrets of Crochet Cables

Knitting teacher and author Heather Lodinsky joins us for another article on the wonderful world of cables. Click here to read her previous blog post on knitting cables. Creating cables with yarn may conjure thoughts of knitting—but did you know that this magic twisting of stitches can be worked in crochet?  Last month, we explored how cables in…

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