Happy Thanksgiving!

From our family to yours, here’s wishing you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving! We love all of the wonderful friendships we’ve made over the years. Thank you for being a part of our family! Pictured above: Crochet Tom Turkey

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Introducing Rohn Strong: Designer and Author of Southern Crochet Winter 2012

Rohn Strong is a crochet and knitwear designer who has published numerous independent patterns including a paperback book entitled, Heritage Collection: WWI & WWII: Two Wars. Two Needles. One Extraordinary Response to War, where he combined knitting, history and personal stories to convey the lifestyles and realities of those who were living during that era. Rohn…

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No Matter Their Style: 15 Gifts to Knit & Crochet

As we get closer to the holidays, gift projects are often on the minds of knitters & crocheters. Many of us like to make some gifts for those closest to us. If you’re wondering what to make, I often recommend thinking about the gift recipient’s lifestyle and fashion sense. Is he or she a coffee-lover?…

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