D.I.Y No-Knit, No-Crochet Yarn Crafts for July 4th

July 4th is a great time of celebration where we recognize the Independence of the United States from Great Britain in 1776.  Now, we’ve all come to appreciate this holiday as a great day to turn on the grill, hit the picnic tables, and spend quality time with loved ones. And who can forget the…

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How Much Yarn Do I Need?

That’s one of the most popular questions on the Lion Brand FAQ section. Maybe you don’t have a pattern with you when you shop or you want to design your own creation. Having a general idea of the amount of yarn you will need for a project can be helpful in the planning phase before you…

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Glittery Shrug Crochet-Along: Seaming and Finishing Touches

Hello everyone! For those who are following along live, this week we’re done! Please post pictures as you finish your project! Seaming After your blocking is completed, the final step is seaming the two halves together. With crochet, seaming is very easy because you can simply crochet the two pieces together! You will first be…

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