Goldilocks and the Three Swatches: Another Short Yarn

Goldilocks and the Three Swatches: Another Short Yarn

Writer, illustrator, and knitter Franklin Habit joins us for his monthly column featuring humor and insights into a yarncrafter’s life. Once upon a time there was a little girl who was called Goldilocks. Mind you, her birth certificate said Charlene; but as a mere tot she grew so enamored of her long, curly yellow hair…

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Happy World Emoji Day!

Happy World Emoji Day!

Pillowji pattern by All About Ami July 17 is World Emoji Day. Why this date? It wasn’t chosen at random! July 17 is the day shown on the iOS calendar emoji!

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LBY Studio Sock-Along: The German Twisted Cast On

LBY Studio Sock-Along: The German Twisted Cast On

Post by Gretchen, Lion Brand Yarn Studio Education Director Since we had so many people outside New York City expressing interest our Summer Sock Along at Lion Brand Yarn Studio, we decided to share some of what we talked about in each session here on the Lion Brand Notebook. Even though everyone in the group…

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