Carpe Filum

Carpe Filum

I had intended this month to continue the series of little knitting memoirs that began with my first scarf, then continued with my first yarn shop, and the first (and last) time I was held captive by one of my own projects. But life had other ideas. Instead of firsts, I’m thinking about lasts. I’ve…

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Show Off Your Home Town! A Photo Contest!

Show Off Your Home Town! A Photo Contest!

We had so much fun with the Lion Brand Shelfie contest that we decided to give you another chance to show off your photos! This contest has a few differences, though. You can enter via Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter! We’re taking it to the street! (or beach, or sidewalk, or park…) What To Do It’s…

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Queued Up: In The Bag

Queued Up: In The Bag

This week (May 23 – 29, 2019) on the Lion Brand site we’re featuring travel projects. These include things you can take along and also several bags that can be packed as projects for the road or used to pack for your travels. Included in the assortment of kits are a few new styles as…

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