Why Wool?
5 Reasons To Work With Wool Yarns

5 Reasons To Work With Wool Yarns

Wool is a little magical. It gets a bad rap for being scratchy and sometimes “sheepy” smelling, but if you find the “right” wool or wool blend (and I mean “right” for you, because it could be something different for everyone) you might just get hooked on this fiber. Here I will share 5 reasons…

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Strut Your Stuff: Show Us Your Projects Using the Tag #LionBrand on Instagram!

Strut Your Stuff: Show Us Your Projects Using the Tag #LionBrand on Instagram!

Do you have a special project you’ve been working on using Lion Brand yarn or a Lion Brand kit/pattern? If you do, make sure you share it and tag us on Instagram! Use the hashtag #LionBrand and your photo will appear in the community gallery! Upload Your Photos Not on Instagram? That’s ok! You can…

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The Gauge Old Question: Why Gauge Matters

The Gauge Old Question: Why Gauge Matters

If you’ve followed a few patterns you probably have seen “save time, check your gauge!” or some encouraging form of this instruction. But why does gauge matter and how can it actually save you time? What Is Gauge? What Does It Do? Before we go any further, let’s look at what gauge is. Simply speaking,…

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